“The Truth about COVID-19 Vaccines, Cells from Aborted Children, and ‘Fetal Tissue’ Research”

The NCBC’s John Di Camillo was interviewed in a April 17, 2020, story on the website:

John Di Camillo, an ethicist with the National Catholic Bioethics Center, spoke to Live Action News about the ethics of the potential vaccines. “The Church’s clearest teaching on this is in Dignitas Personae from 2008,” he explained. “If we are talking about the use of cell lines that were developed through the use of tissue from aborted fetuses, there is an obligation for researchers to avoid the use of such biological material, and to make use of sound materials that aren’t associated with such immorality.”

Yet if a vaccine using the fetal cell lines is the only one available, Di Camillo said, “One is allowed to make use of it where there’s a serious threat to the health or life of the individual, or of the greater population. This does not amount to a strict obligation to use it, but it certainly can be a legitimate choice in conscience if there’s that serious reason, and there’s no other reasonable alternative.”

Read the full story here.

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