The National Catholic Bioethics Center

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The NCBC Praises Supreme Court’s Decision to Protect the Right to Life on the Feast of the Sacred Heart

June 24, 2022. The National Catholic Bioethics Center (NCBC) welcomes the momentous Dobbs decision, which reverses decades of injustice that began with Roe v. Wade. This tragic injustice took the lives of millions of innocent children and, in addition, deeply harmed many women, who too often were not supported when facing an unplanned pregnancy. The Supreme Court’s decision in Dobbs not only has rectified the Roe regime’s national denial of 14th Amendment protections to unborn human beings, it also restores to the states their right to legislate on matters of due process, life, and liberty as these pertain to unborn children. Respect for the will of the people in individual states is the foundation of our Republic.

Dr. Joseph Meaney, NCBC President, states, “Years of efforts to speak for the voiceless have finally been heard. The NCBC, founded in 1972, for decades has witnessed to the dignity of unborn children, and walked with their mothers and families when they sought bioethical advice during challenging pregnancies. Our experience during these years demonstrates that mothers deserve better than abortion. Our prayer is that individual states, now that they are free to protect both mothers and babies, will develop public policy worthy of their sacred obligation to protect all human life.”

Deborah E. O’Hara-Rusckowski, RN, MBA, MTS, DM, in welcoming this decision on behalf of the NCBC Board of Directors, expressed gratitude to the Supreme Court for hearing NCBC’s concerns: “We are grateful to the Supreme Court for receiving our amicus brief in support of the fact that, from the very moment of conception, an irreplaceable and unique human being exists, who not only deserves our protection, but justly has a right to such protection. Today is a day of victory for a just society.”